Welcome to our V.I.P. (Very Important Page)

Why is this so important? It’s because we believe in emphasizing a strong CONNECTION to God.  This can happen in the life of a church through many ways. Many people begin through worship, baptisms, weddings, and confirmation of faith.  However, the way to truly maintain this connection comes from our relationships with others in small groups.  Studying the Bible, sharing our challenges, loving each other, and growing together in our faith keeps us connected in a way that Jesus did with his 12 disciples.
You can find a list of small groups at Montrose Zion, which also function as studies.  Another great way to connect with others at Montrose Zion is to check out our “Grow” link (https://www.mzumc.org/grow/intentional-faith-development-adult-education/) which offers with a wide selection of ways to intentionally grow your faith.  We hope that you check out all our pages.  YOU are a V.I.P. (Very Important Person), and we would love to get to know you better!