Core Values
Mission Statement:
The mission of MZUMC is to make and mature disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world. We do this through a discipleship process that consists of three simple elements.
Our Vision:
To humbly serve God through loving and caring for others
Our Core Values
Acknowledging God in our lives
Recognizing our own faults
Being grateful for what we have
Recognizing our own faults
Being grateful for what we have
Reaching out to our community with generosity
Helping those in need through our caring presence
Forming relationships both inside and outside of our church walls
We love because God first loved us
Creating an environment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness
Creating an environment of love, acceptance, and forgiveness
Celebrating joys
Praying for others
Encouraging and enabling spiritual development
Seeking and welcoming people into our church family
Praying for others
Encouraging and enabling spiritual development
Seeking and welcoming people into our church family